The World the Way I See It

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Oh, hello there: four years later

I guess I have some penance to pay to my own blog, considering I haven't even touched it in 4 years. Not that I haven't been writing - I feel like my dang fingers never stop, what with all the emails, texting, Facebook posts, scholarly journal articles, and a dissertation thrown in for good measure. And how funny is technology that if you just put something down like your blog, that it would still be there patiently waiting for you to pick it up again. So, I've been writing, just not here.

You know, my last post was about mourning for Tim Russert, and as I watched the election results, I wrote something on Facebook that it's times like this that he's really missed. Still true - you can find all the talking heads you want, but you can't always find someone who actually speaks to you - someone who would speak to you in person in exactly the same way but happens to be using the medium of televion to do it. It's a far cry from some of the crap "journalism" I've seen in recent years - but I'm not dogging the craft. I'm sure most of the ones I don't like aren't actually trained as journalists and certainly didn't go to school for it, but maybe they went to the school of annoying and pretending.