The World the Way I See It

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Waxing poetic

The idea of thinking of topic ideas for the "big project" is actually a really difficult task. I find myself returning to some similar ideas, so I'll throw them out tonight. Now that I've stated that the project shouldn't look like a souped up Powerpoint Presentation, I'm now worried that my project might meet that fate. This reminds me of a Wired Magazine September 2003 article "PowerPoint Is Evil" about how many people are fed up with Powerpoint. Some people have tried to embrace Powerpoint and create art with it, and others have decided never to sit for a slide show again. I am still in the "trying to use Powerpoint" category, ne'ermind creating art. I love the article's tagline: "Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely." You have to admit, a bad powerpoint show is painful. But so is anything else done badly - it's not Powerpoint's fault that it brings out the tacky in people.


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